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    ISBN: 9788959959730 297ÂÊ 188 x 257 (§®)

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    - MP3 ÆÄÀÏ ¹«·á ´Ù¿î·Îµå(´Ù¶ô¿ø ȨÆäÀÌÁö http://www.darakwon.co.kr/)

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    Jim Lee
    Çö) °­³² A-team TOEIC (¹Úº´Àç) Àü¹®Çпø ÅäÀÍ Àü¹®°­»ç. ÃÖ°íÃÖ´Ù ÅäÀÍ ÄÁÅÙÃ÷·Î À¯¸íÇÑ Daum Ä«Æä ¡®Áü½ºÅäÀÍ(http://cafe.daum.net/jimstoeic)¡¯ÀÇ ÁÖÀÎÀå.
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    Sandy Cho
    Çö) ½ÅÃÌ ¹ÚÁ¤?¾îÇпø GRE Àü¹® °­»ç
    Àü) Á¾·Î Ç÷£Æ¼ GRE ´ëÇ¥ °­»ç, ¹ÚÁ¤¾îÇпø TOEIC °­»ç
    ¹Ì±¹ Columbia University ¾ð¾îÇÐ ¼®»ç
    ¹Ì±¹ Columbia University ESL (ȸȭ) °­ÀÇ
    ÇѾç´ë, ¼º±Õ°ü´ë, ¼þ½Ç´ë µî ´ëÇÐ °­ÀÇ
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    Listening Comprehension
    Part 1. The man is looking at the woman.
    Part 2. When does the meeting start?
    Part 3. When will the delivery be sent?
    Part 4. Travel 16
    Part 1. The people are talking to each other.
    Part 2. Who mailed the package?
    Part 3. Why will the man call Ms. Singh¡¯s secretary?
    Part 4. Recorded Message
    Part 1. The man is working on the vehicle.
    Part 2. Where will the meeting take place?
    Part 3. Who most likely are they?
    Part 4. Advertisements
    Part 1. The musicians are performing outdoors.
    Part 2. What kind of movie do you like watching?
    Part 3. Where is this conversation most likely taking place?
    Part 4. Company Announcements
    Part 1. The man is giving a lecture to the people.
    Part 2. How are you getting to the airport tomorrow?
    Part 3. What are they talking about?
    Part 4. Announcement . Life Situations
    Part 1. The man and woman are standing at the counter.
    Part 2. Why did you quit your job?
    Part 3. How will the man most likely get to the meeting?
    Part 4. News Report
    Part 1. The people are going for a walk in the park.
    Part 2. Whose bike is this? / Which car is yours?
    Part 3. What is the problem?
    Part 4. Weather Reports
    Part 1. The people boarding the train.
    Part 2. Are you going to visit the factory today?
    Part 3. What does the woman suggest they do?
    Part 4. Traffic Reports 86
    Part 1. The man is pushing a cart.
    Part 2. Would you prefer coffee or tea?
    Part 3. What will Ron do next?
    Part 4. Speech
    Part 1. Some merchandise is on display.
    Part 2. Why don¡¯t we go to a movie tonight?
    Part 3. Where did the woman learn to cook?
    Part 4. Talk 106
    Part 1. The waiter is serving a customer.
    Part 2. This is your new bag, isn¡¯t it?
    Part 3. Who is Mr. Shaw talking with?
    Part 4. Instructions
    Part 1. There are cars parked along the curb.
    Part 2. Isn¡¯t Peter going to the meeting today?
    Part 3. What does Mr. White want?
    Part 4. Talks
    Reading Comprehension
    Lesson01 Nouns & Articles
    Lesson02 Adjectives & Adverbs
    Lesson03 Agreement
    Lesson04 Pronouns
    Lesson05 Comparatives & Superlatives
    Lesson06 Gerunds & Infinitives
    Lesson07 Participles
    Lesson08 The Passive Voice
    Lesson09 Tense & Aspect
    Lesson10 Types of Verbs, Modals & Conditionals
    Lesson11 Conjunctions
    Lesson12 Relative Clauses
    Actual Test
    Scripts & Answers

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