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    ÁöÀºÀÌ : Edwin Suh
    ¼­¿ï´ëÇб³ °­»ç, ¼º±Õ°ü´ëÇб³ ¾îÇпø ±³¼ö, Áß¾ÓÀϺ¸ Business English Ä®·³´Ï½ºÆ®·Î È°µ¿Çß´Ù. ÁöÀº Ã¥À¸·Î <Keys to the Grammar>, <Longman Core TOEIC Dictionary>, <TOEIC Longman ÅäÀÍ ±âÃÊ ¼¼¿ì±â>, <BARRON's 1100 words you need to know> µîÀÌ ÀÖ´Ù.  


    Part 1 | Ubiquitous Word Groups
    Unit 01 | True and False
    Unit 02 | Good and Evil
    Unit 03 | Clever and Stupid
    Unit 04 | Strong and Weak
    Unit 05 | Friendly and Unfriendly
    Unit 06 | Respect and Disrespect
    Unit 07 | Talkative and Not Talkative
    Unit 08 | Secret and Hiding out
    Unit 09 | Praise and Scold
    Unit 10 | Stubborn
    Unit 11 | Lacking Energy & Interest
    Unit 12 | Cowardly
    Unit 13 | Haughty
    Unit 14 | Kind, Generous and Lucky
    Unit 15 | Soothe
    Unit 16 | Hostility
    Unit 17 | Unexperienced and Experienced
    Unit 18 | Argumentative & Reasoning
    Unit 19 | Cautious
    Unit 20 | Impermanent
    Unit 21 | Ability and Intelligence

    Part 2 | Frequent Root Groups
    Unit 01 | a / b
    Unit 02 | c
    Unit 03 | d / e
    Unit 04 | f / g
    Unit 05 | h ~ l
    Unit 06 | m ~ o
    Unit 07 | p ~ r
    Unit 08 | s / t
    Unit 09 | v

    Part 3 | Confusing 60 Words
    01. abrogate & arrogate
    02. adverse & averse
    03. affection & affectation
    04. allay & alley
    05. annals & annual & annul
    06. apologia & apologue
    07. ardent & arduous
    08. balky & bulky
    09. balmy & barmy
    10. beget & bigot
    11. berth & & birth
    12. biannual & biennial
    13. casualty & causality
    14. cerebral & celebrity & celerity
    15. complacent & compliant & complaisant
    16. corporeal & corpulent
    17. credible & credulous & creditable
    18. curry & scurry
    19. decent & dissent & descent
    20. demur & demure
    21. desperate & disparate
    22. disparage & disparity
    23. distract & detract
    24. divers & diverse
    25. eclipse & ellipse & ellipsis
    26. effervesce & effloresce
    27. effusive & effulgent
    28. emaciate & emancipate
    29. embroil & embroider
    30. errant & erratic
    31. excruciate & execrate
    32. factious & facetious & factitious
    33. fatuous & fortuitous
    34. fecund & rubicund
    35. flail & frail
    36. gamut & gambit
    37. garrulous & querulous
    38. humidity & humility
    39. imbibe & imbue
    40. immunity & impunity
    41. impecunious & pecuniary
    42. indignant & indigent
    43. inimical & inimitable
    44. momentous & momentary
    45. mores & morass
    46. prodigy & prodigious & prodigal
    47. rebuke & revoke
    48. remiss & remit
    49. reprise & apprise & reprisal
    50. salutary & salutation & salute
    51. salient & saline
    52. scurrilous & sacrilegious
    53. stanch & staunch & stench
    54. subdue & subside & subsidy
    55. turbid & turgid
    56. torpid & torrid
    57. tactile & tactful
    58. usurp & usury
    59. venerable & vulnerable
    60. veracious & voracious

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