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    abide by~
    account for~
    acquaint~ with...
    act as/for~
    act on/upon~
    act up
    agree with~
    aim at~
    allow of~
    answer back
    answer for~
    answer to~
    apply for~
    argue against~
    argue for~
    argue with~
    arm for~
    arm with~
    arrange for~
    associate with~
    attend to~

    back away from~
    back down~
    band together
    bargain for~
    bear down~
    bear out~
    bear up
    bear with~
    become of~
    beef up
    believe in~
    belong to~
    block in/out
    blow hot and cold
    blow in
    blow off
    blow up
    boast of~
    boil down
    border on/upon~
    bother about~
    bound up in/with~
    break down~
    break in
    break off
    break out
    break up~
    bring about~
    bring forth~
    bring forward~
    bring out~
    bring up
    brood on/over~
    brush aside/away
    brush aside/away
    brush up
    bubble over
    bundle up
    buy off~
    buy up
    buzz about[with]
    buzz off

    call back
    call down
    call for~
    call off~
    call on/upon
    call out
    call up~
    calm down
    camp out
    care about~
    care for~
    carry away
    carry off~
    carry on~
    carry out~
    cash in
    cast about
    cast down
    catch on
    catch up
    cave in
    chalk up
    chance on/upon~
    chip in
    clean out
    clean up
    clear away/off
    clear up
    come out
    come to
    count out
    crack a bottle
    crack a joke
    crack a smile
    crack down
    crack up
    crop out/up
    cut back~
    cut down
    cut in
    cut off
    cut out
    cut up
    cry down~
    cry for~
    cry off
    cry one's eyes out
    cry out
    cry up

    deal in~
    deal with~
    depend on/upon~
    deprive~ of...
    derive~ from...
    die away/down
    die hard
    die of~
    die off
    dine in
    dine on/upon/off~
    dine out
    dip into~
    dispense with~
    dispose of~
    do away with~
    do up~
    draw in
    draw off
    draw on/upon~
    dream of~
    drink in~
    drink to~
    drive at~
    drop off

    ease off/up
    eat one's words
    eat up~
    edge in~
    engage in~

    fail in~
    fain of~
    fall back
    fall back on/upon
    fall behind
    fall in
    figure on~
    figure out
    fill in
    fill one's shoes
    fill up
    finish up
    finish with
    fix on/upon
    flash back
    fly in the face/teeth of
    fold up
    follow through

    get across
    get along
    get away with
    get on
    get through
    give off~
    give up
    go about~
    go against~
    go back on
    go for
    go over
    go through

    hand in
    hand over
    hang around
    hang up
    have done with
    have to do with~
    head for~
    help out
    hold back
    hold down
    hold on
    hold up

    impose on/upon~
    improve on/upon~

    jump at~
    jump on/upon

    keep back
    keep company
    keep to~
    keep to oneself
    keep up~
    kick back
    kick out
    knock about/around
    knock down

    laugh at~
    laugh off
    lead on
    let down
    look after~
    look back
    look down on/upon
    look for
    look forward
    look into
    look like~
    look out
    look over
    look up

    make a face
    make believe
    make much of
    make the best of
    make up
    mark down
    measure up

    open to
    open up

    pair off
    part from
    participate in
    pass away
    pass out
    pat on the back
    pay for~
    pay off
    pick on
    pick up
    play with~
    play ball
    plug in
    point at
    point to
    polish up
    prick up one's ears
    probe into~
    pull down
    pull a face
    put across
    put away
    put down
    put forth
    put in~
    put~ into
    put off
    put on
    put up

    qualify for~
    quiet down

    rack one's brains
    rack up
    read a lecture/lesson
    read between the lines
    remind one of~
    remind one that~
    remind one to~
    result from~
    result in~
    roll in
    roll on
    roll one's hoop
    roll up
    roll up one's sleeves
    round into
    round off
    round on
    round up
    rub down
    rub in
    rub out
    rub elbows/shoulders
    rub the right way
    rub the wrong way
    rule out
    rule the roast/roost
    run across
    run after~
    run against
    run a temperature
    run away with~
    run into~
    run out
    run over
    run short
    run short of~
    run up
    run upon
    run wild

    sail in/into
    sail through
    sail up
    salt away/down
    see about~
    see after
    see daylight
    see one's way
    see red
    see through~
    see to~
    see to it
    sell off
    sell out
    sell short
    set about
    set against
    set apart
    set aside
    set at
    set back
    set down
    set eyes on
    set in
    set off
    set on
    set out
    set to
    settle down
    shake down
    shake up
    shape up
    shell out
    shine up
    shut away
    shut down
    shut in
    shut off
    shut out
    sign on
    sign out
    sign up
    sing out
    sing th same song
    sing up
    sit back
    sit by
    sit down
    sit in
    sit out
    sit up
    size up
    sleep away
    sleep in
    sleep off
    sleep out
    smoke out
    speak out
    speak up
    spin out
    split off
    spread oneself
    spy into
    spy on
    spy out
    square away
    stand a chance/show
    stand by~
    stand for~
    stand in
    stand on/upon~
    stand to
    start something
    step down
    step in
    step out
    step up
    stick around
    stick out
    stick together
    stick to one's guns
    stick to one's knitting
    stuck on~
    stop at~
    stop by
    stop off
    stop one's mouth
    stop over
    stop the show
    stop up
    strike against~
    strike at
    strike for
    strike in
    strike on
    strike out
    strike up

    take away
    take back
    take a bow
    take a/one's chance
    take advantage of~
    take after~
    take against~
    take apart
    take care
    take car of~
    take charge
    take down
    take for
    take hold
    take in
    take into account/consideration
    take off
    take on
    take out
    take part
    take place
    take possession
    take shape
    throw away
    throw in
    throw off~
    throw one's weight around/about
    throw out
    throw up
    tie in
    tie into
    tie up
    top off
    touch bottom
    touch down
    touch off~
    touch on/upon
    touch up
    trade in
    turn about
    turn back
    turn down
    turn in
    turn in upon oneself
    turn off
    turn on
    turn out

    vote down
    vote in

    wait on
    walk around
    walk away with
    walk into
    walk (all) over
    warm up
    watch it
    watch one's step
    wear out
    weigh down
    wind up

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