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    ISBN: 9781599665313 136ÂÊ 188 x 257 (§®)

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    Reading Challenge, Second Edition is a three-book non-fiction reading series designed for intermediate to advanced English language learners. The series presents a wide range of topics through controlled language aimed to engage the interest of readers while ensuring that the content remains accessible. The graded reading passages found in three books of the
    Reading Challenge series allow learners to comfortably progress from easily accessble readings to more challenging ones through repeated exposure to frequently encountered non-fiction language structures and vocabulary. In addition to developing students' reading skills, the exercises in the
    Reading Challenge series provide learners the opportunity to practice listening, speaking, and writing through activities specifically targeting each of these skills.

    Key Features

    • Non-fiction passages accessible to low-proficiency readers

    • Annotated vocabulary to facilitate comprehension of reading passages

    • Multiple vocabulary and reading development exercises in each unit

    • Common idiomatic expressions within each passage

    • Useful grammar points to promote students' reading and writing skills

    • Extension activities to allow further reflection on the topic

    • Listening, speaking, and writing exercises to reinforce students' acquisition of language structures

    • Free Audio CD includes all reading passage and listening exercises

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    ÁöÀºÀÌ : Casey Malarcher


    ÁöÀºÀÌ : Andrea Janzen



    Table of Contents
    Arts and Leisure
    1. Read It of See It? 11. A Controversial Restoration
    Culture and History
    2. Superstitions About Birds 12. The Flood
    3. Alaska Is Melting! 13. Naturally Better Homes
    4. Working on Your Workout 14. Eat Better, Look Better
    Science Facts
    5. Smart Exercise 15. Imagine That!
    People Profiles
    6. Rescuing Relics 16. Madonna's Downloads
    Social Science
    7. Tweenbots 17. Remenbering Memories
    Sports and Hobbies
    8. Back to the Future 18. Taking Home the World Cup
    9. A Better Robot 19. No Phishing Allowed
    Weird and Bizarre
    10. Flower Power 20. Take a Ghost Tour

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