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    Beyond all the hardships she went through in her L2 writing, the essays of Ms Lee Myoung Ae are great stories and most read very well.
    Writing as a process, gets structured to flow in terms of content and form from the beginning to the end. Particularly, as a Korean writer Ms Lee Myoung Ae must have taken an enduring time to plan, organize, and polish up her Koreanish thoughts and her use of English consciously and/or subconsciously.
    - from Foreword -

    Seeing her belongings being burnt one by one in the rain, I could still feel her warmth from the burning clothes. I found a notebook in the pocket of her clothes, where my phone number and address were written like a child¡¯s handwriting. She had long cherished it as her No.1 treasure.
    - from My beloved grandmother -

    After his mother¡¯s funeral, Meruso went to the beach to spend time with his girlfriend. He shot an Arabian dead after a trivial fight on a beach in Algeria and was sentenced to death. When asked in court why he pulled the trigger on him, he said, ¡°because of sunshine.¡± It was certain that he should have said otherwise if he were a man of common sense : ¡°It was an accident against my will and I didn¡¯t have any intention to kill him.¡± Even when the judge asked him why he had killed him, he unexpectedly answered ¡°it¡¯s because the Arabian had blocked his sunlight.¡±
    - from The Outsider -

    While playing Chaplin with a black mustache, he captivated all the hearts of those watching his movements again, moving even Yuna close to tears. I couldn¡¯t help but admire him again and again when I heard he practiced lifts with a sandbag instead of a partner because he was worried she might be hurt by his clumsy actions. He was just a beginner when he entered the competition. Eventually, he cannot deserve too much praise and respect when we consider what he gives us.
    - from The Little Giant, Kim Byoung Man -


    Chapter I Today¡¯s Issue

    A Supernova/ What has made Middle Students So Angry?/ What Is Justice?/ Terrorism/ The Catastrophe on Japanese Islands/ The East India Company/ The Internet-Irresistible Draught/ The Little Giant, Kim Byoungman/ The Tragedy of Burma/ In the Philippines/ Vandalism in England/ Educational Background for a Job/
    An Ineffaceable Felony/ An Old Couple on the Street/ Baby Boomer¡¯s Crevasse/ On Longevity/ Development in Public Transportation/ Epidemics/ Functional Relation between Gorilla and Cellular Phone/ Havana in Cuba/ Hot Issues/ New Change in New Global Military Strategy in the U.S/ On Islam/ Winter Olympic Games in 2018 / Queen ¡¯Elizabeth II¡¯ of the UK/ Beautiful Stores/

    Chapter II My Interest in Life

    The City of Lakes/ How to Be a Best Driver/ What Is Your Standard of Happiness in Life/ An Odd Ice Cream Company/ A History Trip to China/ The Street of the Traditional Culture, Insa-Dong/ Romeo and Juliet by the Korea National Ballet / A Memory of Marriage/ Special Guests from Jakarta/ Sharing Special Time during a National Holiday/ The Kimci-making Season/ The Last Class/ The Life of Salmon/
    To Beautiful You/ Tooth Fairy / Traveling Alone/ Two Friends at a Funeral/ What Is a Real Disability?/ Graduation of My Son/ How Is Your Weekend?/ In Fall/
    My Daughter¡¯s First Challenge/ My Life in The Course of Challenge/ Renewal of My Driver¡¯s License/ Saying Goodbye to 2011/ A Christmas Gift/ A Special Music Concert/ My Daughter¡¯s Birthday/ A Trip to Korean-Style House/ Break Time/
    Check Up/ The Change in Women¡¯s Social Roles by Mannequin/ Dry Eyes/ Electricity Went Out!

    Chapter III Meeting Great Novels

    The Razor¡¯s Edge/ A Necklace/ The Bridges of Madison County/ Crime and Punishment/ The Good Earth/ The Outsider/ Time to Love and Die/ Our Great Hero Lee Sunsin/ Norwegian Woods/ I¡¯d Like to Be a Park Wanseo

    Chapter IV The Recollection of My Childhood

    My Friend, Jin/ A Shower in the Midsummer/ Chuseok/ In Winter Time/ My Elementary School Days/ My Beloved Grandmother/ Rain in My Memory/ The Sorrow of Parting/ Toys in My Heart/ A Sports Festival/

    Useful Expressions

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